Join fellow Christ-followers in prayer and fasting during Lent (February 13 through March 31, 2013). Use the "prayer starters" each day and feel free to click "comments" to see how others are doing and share your own journey.

John 8

In John 8, Jesus continues his speech at the temple. As his discourse continues, the tension increases. The pace of this back-and-forth begins slow but grows in intensity, reaching its climax in 8:58.

Place yourself as an observer in the temple crowd and read John 8 with this feverish pace in mind.

The Jews ask a lot of questions in this chapter, but the most important one is in verse 24:

"Who are you?"

Jesus was more than willing to tell them. In fact, Jesus' purpose in this discourse was to testify about his true identity. He iterates that he is...
  • Light
  • Judge
  • Son of God (note how often the word, "Father" is used)
  • Revealer of truth
  • Guarantor of freedom
  • More important than Abraham
  • I AM (equating himself with Yahweh, the creator God)
But these weren't the answers they wanted to hear. They wanted to elevate their own identity above Christ's.

They had never been enslaved (8:33). They were Abraham's children (8:39). They were God's children (8:41). How could this Galilean possibly claim to be closer to God than they?! 

They were so focused on the question, "Who am I?" that they didn't care to hear an honest answer to their question, "Who are you?".

It's quite easy to vilify the Jews for being so obtuse, but are we so different? Our sense of identity is very important to us, and justifiably so. Our identity is the foundation of our character. From our identity flows our actions, our words, and our perspective on the world around us.

Yet, when we choose to follow Christ, we face an identity crisis. We're confronted with the fact that our achievements, our past, and our genealogy mean nothing. Jesus' identity as Savior, Son of God, supersedes everything we are and everything we've ever done. His identity becomes the foundation of our character.

Let us take time in this Lent season to ask Jesus this question within our souls:

"Who are you?"

And when he answers, "I AM", may we cast praises, not stones. 

Starter Prayer:


So often I base my worth on things that are not you.
Please forgive me. Please root out selfishness from me today.

You are the true Son of God.
You are one with Yahweh.
And it brings me joy to confess that!
Thank you for your example of service of the Father.
Thank you for extending to us the opportunity to be children of God.


  1. thank You Jesus for revealing Yourself to me to lead me to repent of who i thought i was. my identity is found in Christ. it is lost in me.

  2. When You bent down to write Your silence cast light. Not on the sin of the woman, but of her accusers. Your desire, so full of mercy, is to bring those in darkness into light. All day today I've wondered about such mercy.

    There are so many who refuse You. So many who turn away. And still You say in Your word to not be glad when our enemy stumbles in case You see it and turn Your anger away.

    Thank You for desiring truth in my innermost parts.
    And thank You, Lord, that the truth will set me free.

  3. When You bent down to write Your silence cast light. Not on the sin of the woman, but of her accusers. Your desire, so full of mercy, is to bring those in darkness into light. All day today I've wondered about such mercy.

    There are so many who refuse You. So many who turn away. And still You say in Your word to not be glad when our enemy stumbles in case You see it and turn Your anger away.

    Thank You for desiring truth in my innermost parts.
    And thank You, Lord, that the truth will set me free.
