Join fellow Christ-followers in prayer and fasting during Lent (February 13 through March 31, 2013). Use the "prayer starters" each day and feel free to click "comments" to see how others are doing and share your own journey.

John 17

Read John 17.

This passage provides an intimate glimpse at Jesus' heart for the Father and for his disciples. As believers, these words warm our hearts and give us much courage. Everything that Jesus prays comes true!

"This is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and the One You have sent — Jesus Christ." (17:3)

Eternal life, "life to the fullest", is not something we should speak of as yet future. Eternal life begins at the moment we repent and confess Jesus as the Christ, Son of God. The "future" eternal life is but a continuation of the lives we are currently living as Christ-followers. Evaluate your life with this in mind. How can you live your eternal life today?

"I am in them and You are in Me. May they be made completely one, so the world may know You have sent Me" (17:23)

In John 8:58, Jesus answers "I AM" to the Pharisees in the temple. In doing so, he staked his claim as equal with Yahweh, the all-powerful creator God who spoke to Moses at the burning bush. In his prayer, Jesus places the locus of that power in the Church. I AM is in us. As the Church, when we are one, as Jesus and the Father are one, the world will know Jesus was sent by the Father.

"I made Your name known to them and will make it known, so the love You have loved Me with may be in them and I may be in them." (17:26)

Go forth today in the love that brought you from death to life. Spread the love. Spread the word.

Starter Prayer:


Thank you for choosing me!
You chose me out of your love, not because of the deeds I did or had the potential to do.
I want to be a part of the same unity you share in the Trinity.
As your Church, give us patience and grace in these tough times.
Let us be a beacon of hope, joy, and truth!
Not condemnation, pride, and arrogance.
That collective goal starts in this individual heart.
Guide me today to submit my will to you - to obey you and serve others.
You are I AM.
I am not.


  1. Jesus,

    Thank You for praying for me. I have confidence in what You accomplished here in this life, death and resurrection as well as the life You now have before the Father on my behalf to save me. In no other person or place do I place this hope and affection. You alone are my God. Thank You for loving me. Persevere me to the end. Equip me with everything good that I may do Your will, working in me that which is pleasing in Your sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and evermore.


  2. So many words You spoke to Your disciples before the cross!
    Oh, Jesus! Thank You for turning Your eyes to heaven to pray. As if You were between two worlds. And now it is Your followers between two worlds. Thank You for the example of this loving prayer (my favorite chapter in all of scripture), and for going through in obedience to the cross.
