The Apostle John provides his answer to this question as soon as his pen hits papyrus.
Instead of starting with Jesus in-the-flesh as the other gospels do, John takes the reader all the way back to the beginning of the universe (the similarity between John 1:1-5 and Genesis 1 is striking). This "Word" was with God at creation, and was indeed God. This "Light" enlightens mankind and reveals the Father to the world. Only after holding his place beside the Father for eternity did this Jesus become flesh. This is where John's narrative begins.
Read John 1 and record the responses of those who come into contact with the Jesus. May their belief encourage our faith today. Is Jesus really the Son of God? YES!
Starter Prayer:
Jesus, I confess that I lose sight of you often.
The distractions of my day keep me from testifying that you are the Son of God with my actions, words, and deeds.
Instead, may I be more like John the Baptist who said, "I am but a voice in the wilderness", but, "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!".
Instead, may I be more like Andrew and Peter who but looked at You and followed.
Instead, may I be more like Philip who immediately testified to his friend that he had found You.
Instead, may I be more like Nathanael who said, "You are the Son of God".
Thank you for giving me the right to be loved by the Father.
receive, believe, become.
ReplyDeletei love the sufficiency of God in delivering salvation to us through His Son.
receive Him, believe Him and become His child.
may we like Nathanael see even greater things than those that first drew us to Jesus as we continue to follow Him.
Vs. 26 "Someone stands among you, but you don't know [Him]."
ReplyDeleteMy original thought was, "How differently people would live if they knew the Son of God was standing among them." Then I realized that the Son of God, through whom the world was made, lives inside of me. What an awesome thought, that the God by which creation was created, lives inside of me...and better yet loves me. What an honored position by which I should live to honor Him with my life.